Monday, October 31, 2011

Chapter 91

Chapter 91—Reginald has final surprise 
for Jack 
3:40 a.m., Friday, December 30 

Smiling, Jack leaned back in his chair and fixed an unfocused stare at the ceiling.  “Who was supposed to read this, ole buddy?” Jack mumbled. “Was this intended for me?”
Jack looked around until he found a piece of paper and pencil, and then he began copying the puzzle.
“This thing is altogether too short to solve without a key,” Jack observed. “So, Reg, here we go again.”
Jack slid his knife under the piece of paper, and carefully flipped it over to see if the key might be on the back. He remembered what Reginald had told him about the puzzles he exchanged with his operatives.
“Conrad Courtyard Hotel,” he read. “Could it be that simple?” He wondered. “Probably not.”
Jack copied the words from the back of Reginald’s bloody note onto his handwritten copy of the puzzle.
“Not gonna happen tonight,” he said, as he spread the bloody note out on the kitchen table to dry. “I am going to get some rest.”
Jack put his transcription of the puzzle in his wallet, shoved Reginald’s clothes back in the plastic bag, and headed off to bed.
Normally Jack would have performed his regular nighttime routine. But he was much too exhausted. He removed his clothes down to his undershirt and boxers, and crawled under the covers. He never even bothered to see if his electronic lock was packed. He didn’t even brush his teeth. He just didn’t want to remain awake another moment.
Almost before his head hit his pillow, Jack was sound asleep.
The next thing he knew his phone was ringing.
“Kitty,” he said. “What’re you doing calling me so early. Everything okay?”
“Dad, it’s almost noon. I was just checking up on you to see if you were okay. I hope you got some good sleep. You’re gonna need your wits about you today. My boss is anxious to talk to you.”
“Noon, you say. I can’t believe I slept that long. … I was whipped.”
Jack jumped out of bed and headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As he approached the kitchen sink, he noticed that the apartment door was slightly ajar.
“Kitty, I’ll call you back,” Jack said, as he disconnected.

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